Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Progress and Abnormality - A Love Story

To “act normal” is to conform to society and is relative. In a cannibalistic society, eating humans is '“normal”, but in America, no one would make such a claim. Acting normal is, quite simply, acting as one’s society does.

Most people would agree that being normal is a good thing. Society (the majority of citizens) after all, consist of normal people - why would someone yearn to be anything more than normal?

Though many people look at abnormalities as a bad thing. However, they are, more often than not, not bad at all. Einstein and Confucius were abnormal as were Gandhi and Beethoven. When one conforms to society’s norms, progress ceases. Progress is, by definition, a deviant act.

Following up on my previous blog post regarding history and change, if everyone acts normally then change will halt - and history will repeat itself.

To act abnormally is to break the shackles that bind one to society’s standards; it is in this act that people exhibit true freedom. If truth is to be found outside the boundaries of society, then one has the duty as a rational being to cross those borders.

Now, I want to just note that one can deviate from the norm and make society regress and not progress...

Do what is right, don't go down conventional paths, for it will be because of you that society puts one step forward.

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